Monday, September 01 2014
Introduction This week, we shall focus on another gift of the Holy Spirit; divers kinds of Tongues. It must be noted that this is the only gift that was not in operation until the day of penticost according to Acts 2. 1) The Gift of Tongues Is a Supernatural Sign; I Cor. 12:10, Mk.16:17 10 TO ANOTHER DIVERS KINDS OF TONGUES; to another the interpretation of tongues 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils Divers kinds of tongues is supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages never learned by the speaker, nor understood by the speaker, nor necessarily always understood by the hearer. Speaking with tongues has nothing whatsoever to do with linguistic ability; it has nothing to do with the mind or the intellect of man. It is a vocal miracle of the Holy Spirit. We might ask, "What is the good of speaking with tongues?" Jesus said in Mark 16:17, ". . . these signs shall follow them that believe . . . they shall speak with new tongues." Speaking in tongues is important because Jesus said this is one of the signs which should follow believers. 2) Tongues Is the Evidence Of Being Filled With the Spirit; There are five recorded instances where believers received the Holy Spirit and three with the evidence of speaking in tongues in the book of Acts. This shows us a pattern of the Holy Spirit’s dealing in the early Church. b) Acts 8:5-17; The Samaritans: Saved under Philip's ministry, they received the Holy Spirit when Peter and John laid hands on them. Simon saw physical evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, which was probably speaking in tongues. c) Acts 9:3-18; Saul (later called Paul): When Ananias laid hands on him, Paul received the Holy Spirit. We know Paul spoke in tongues because later he wrote to the Church at Corinth, "I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye r. 14:18). d) Acts 10:44-46; Cornelius and his household: This incident occurred years after the Day of Pentecost. As Peter was preaching the gospel to these first Gentile converts, they were all saved (Acts 11:14) and filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke with other tongues. e) Acts 19:1-7 The Ephesian disciples: This incident occurred many years after the Day of Pentecost. These Ephesian disciples were saved and baptized in the Name of Jesus after Paul explained the gospel to them. Then when Paul laid hands on them, they were immediately filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke with other tongues. "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but UNTO GOD: for no man b) Magnifying God; ACTS 10:45,46 c) Edifying Ourselves; 1 Corinthians 14:4, JUDE 20 "He that speak-eth in an unknown tongue EDIFIETH HIMSELF. . . ." 20 “But ye, beloved, BUILDING UP YOURSELVES on your most holy faith, PRAYING IN d) Helps us to Praying in the Spirit; Eph. 6:18, Romans 8:26 "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." e) Spiritual Refreshing; ISAIAH 28:11,12 For with stammering lips and ANOTHER TONGUE will he speak to this people. 12 To whom he said, THIS IS THE REST wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and THIS IS THE REFRESHING.... There is a very real spiritual rest and a spiritual refreshing in communicating with God our 4) Private vs. Public Operation Of the Gift of Tongues; 1 CORINTHIANS 14:18,19 Conclusion Every believer can pray to interpret his tongues in his own private devotions (1 Cor. 14:13). However, God will not use every believer in public utterance in tongues, for that is a gift and is This study was extracted from Kenneth E. Hagin’s book; The Spirit and His Gifts. Contributor: Alex Alajiki |