Wednesday, January 22 2025
Contributor: Isekhua Evborokhai INTRODUCTION DAY 21 - CHAPTER 21 Revelation: You can never go wrong with following after righteousness, but you can never be right following after foolishness. Application: If there was ever any motivation for following after righteousness these two verses spell them out. More than ever before we must follow after righteousness. It’s not that we will never do wrong but when we do, it will not be on purpose. DAY 22 - CHAPTER 22 Revelation: Unhealthy relationships create undue stress and tension Application: Be decisive about severing toxic and unhealthy relationships. Never give anyone the power to manipulate you. DAY 23 - CHAPTER 23 Revelation: Anger displaces us from our God given purpose and future Application: We have an assured future in God. We must continue to channel our passion towards the worship of God instead of burning in anger to the wickedness of the world DAY 24 - CHAPTER 24 Revelation: There’s always a lesson to learn from every situation even if it’s how not to do something but it takes effort Application: We must never allow a learning opportunity slip by always being aware, open to learning and sensitive to the Holy Ghost DAY 25 - CHAPTER 25 Revelation: The ear mark of reliable friendship is meaning and doing what one says Application: Lord Jesus, please surround me with reliable friends and grant me the grace to be a reliable friend myself DAY 26 - CHAPTER 26. Revelation: Never stoop low to the level of fools in order to make a point or retaliate. Application: We must always be the bigger person and not respond to the words of a fool with more foolish words. Instead, we should answer with words of wisdom seasoned with salt and grace. DAY 27 - CHAPTER 27 Revelation: The more we have “spiritual interaction” with one another the more we are sharpened, strengthened and encouraged. Application: For iron to sharpen iron in this context, there has to be “friction” and “pressure” that’s why two knives for instance can’t sharpen themselves but a sharpening DAY 28 - CHAPTER 28. Revelation: A genuine and God-fearing person would appreciate honest criticism far more than flattery.” Application: We must always be future-thinking and concerned about what truly matters and not become people who massage another’s ego or expects someone to massage ours. So we must tell, expect and accept the truth even if it hurts now for the sake of the future (Psalms 15:5 MSG, Ecclesiastes 7:8 DAY 29 - CHAPTER 29 Revelation: Discipline a child early enough in life to avoid heartache in the future. Indulgence is not a mark of love but a bait for destruction Application: Severally in the book of Proverbs we are admonished to discipline our children. Many restrain from discipline and indulge them indiscriminately because they think they love their children too much but Proverbs 13:24 says: CHAPTER 30 -DAY 30 Revelation: Every Word of God is tried, tested and proven true Application: Psalm 12:6 tells us that the Words of the Lord are pure Words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. We must never doubt God’s Words; especially what it says about us. We must pray that the Lord grants us the grace and strength to continually trust in His unfailing Word DAY 31 - CHAPTER 31 Revelation: Respectable people should steer clear of all sorts of intoxicants. Read Proverbs 23: 31-35. If you have the ambition to become somebody in this life then you must refrain from certain actions. Application: There are consequences for all actions we take. Although this verse refers to wines and strong drinks, the same applies to things that will impact your judgment, your resolve and your reputation. Because as long as you remain a nobody no one cares. But as soon as you get out there, ready to or already making an impact in the world then people will go searching for mud to sling at you. And if by your actions either as a youth or past adult life you have by the lack of self-control engaged in anything scandalous, it will come out in the open. CONCLUSION Wednesday, January 15 2025
Contributor: Adewale Abiona CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15 CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 18 CHAPTER 19 - 20 In conclusion, there is wisdom for everyday living, covering every aspect of our life. The choice is ours, to be wise and be saved or to be fools and reap the consequence that comes with it. Thursday, January 09 2025
Contributor: Tobi Morakinyo Introduction Chapter 1 –The Benefit of Proverbs, the Enticement of Sinners, &the Warning of Wisdom The Enticement of Sinners (Proverbs 1:8–19): Righteous (not merely moral) living is uncommon, which makes it easier for believers to be enticed (verse 10). As sons of God, we must resolve not to consent. The embellishment of "gain" is a common tool for enticement, leading to manipulations such as falsification of records, murder (including character assassination), and other forms of wrongdoing to maximize profit. Many fall victim to Ponzi schemes, which promise gains that seem too good to be true, and greed for gain can ultimately lead to loss of life (verse 19). Enticement (temptation) will come; however, it is not sinful to be tempted—yielding to temptation is the sin. Wisdom Warns (Proverbs 1:20–33): The tone changes here as Wisdom speaks in the first person, extending a loud and open invitation. Despite her efforts, she receives no response. She warns of a time of reckoning when she will be sought but unavailable, saying, “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh…” (verses 26–28). However, she promises, “Whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from the fear of evil” (verse 33). Wisdom personified is Jesus. It is eternally dangerous to reject Him, as He is always calling and not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). The key point is to heed God’s instructions diligently, ensuring He is our ally as we step into the new year. Chapter 2 – The Pursuit of Wisdom Chapter 3 – The Blessings (Rewards) of Wisdom Chapter 4 – The Father’s Instruction Chapters 5 & 7 - Warning Against Strange Women Chapter 6 – Parental Counsel. Chapters 8 & 9 –Wisdom Calls for Hearing and Wisdom's Invitation. Chapter 10 –Contrast of the Righteous and the Wicked. |