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RCCG Miracle Land Dundalk
The Bible
The Bible

We believe that the entire Scripture, both Old and New Testament are written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - II Timothy 3:16-17 , II Timothy. 3:10-15; II Peter 1:21; John 17:17; Psalm 119:105.We believe that the Bible is the written and revealed Will of God.

Do Not Love the World
Do Not Love the World

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

Avoid Wordliness
Avoid Wordliness

The Bible teaches us to abstain from all appearance of evil - I Thess. 5:22. "But follow after righteousness, faith, love, purging ourselves from unclean things so that we may be vessels unto honor, sanctified, and prepared unto every good work" - II Tim. 2:21-22. All Christians should not swear or curse or blaspheme for we were not taught of Jesus in such a way. "Bless, and curse not" Rom. 12:14. Swear not at all, neither by Heaven, nor bye the earth or any other swearing.


Marriage is honorable in all - Heb. 13:4. Therefore all members who wish to marry could do so in the church. They are not to follow the worldly pattern with drumming and dancing, drunkenness or wear clothes that:30-31; I John 2:15-17; Rom. 12:2.

Your upcoming wedding!

We have put together a series of teachings that would equip you to invest and develop a strong foundation for a marriage that will endure the test of time


Is there a cost for premarital counselling?
No. It is free

Are there other things I should know?
Absolutely! Other details will be discussed personally with you once you register for the pre-marital counselling class.

How do we begin the premarital counselling?
Please contact the church office directly here. 

Do I have to complete this lesson series to have my wedding ceremony at RCCG Miracle Land?
Yes. If you are interested in having your wedding ceremony at RCCG Miracle Land? or want a minister of RCCG Miracle Land? to officiate at your wedding, we require that a free premarital counselling session be completed prior to the wedding ceremony.


Sunday Worship
First Service @11AM

Online Bible Study @7PM

Online Prayers @9PM


The Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Miracle Land Parish Castletown Road, Castletown,
Dundalk, County Louth,


Telephone: +353 (0)429328484
Mobile: +353 (0)879806684

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