Friday, October 25 2013
INTRODUCTION: Last week, we continued in our journey into effective faith walk with God by carefully looking at the key areas where we must confess before we possess our desires. Areas such as Salvation, Receiving the Holy Spirit and Healing were looked at in detail. In addition, the teacher also highlighted and discussed in detail, the steps that make our confessions effective. I trust that we have been practising these steps and enjoying the full benefits of positive and godly confession as we are enjoined in Hebrews 5:14. As we continue this week in this journey of faith, we will be looking at the account of an encounter of Pastor Kenneth Hagin with the Lord Jesus Christ, at his request for an exposition on the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. Pastor Hagin reported that the Lord Jesus Christ emphasised that "if anyone, anywhere, will take these four-steps or put these principles (to receiving answers from God) into operation, that person will always receive whatever he wants from God, the Father". It is therefore imperative that we pay rapt attention to this study, as I believe that we all desire (always) to receive our petitions from God, the Father. Four Steps to Receiving Your Answer from God These four steps can be used to receive anything God promises ranging from salvation, to healing, to baptism of the Holy Ghost, or to receive victory, finances, or any other answer to any petition, from God. However, depending on some area of faith (e.g. finance), you may need to develop your faith in accordance to the level of your need. Thus, it may take some time for you to receive answer in this case. It is definitely certain that even in this area (or any area at all); these steps will produce results if these bible principles are put into practice. Therefore, whether these principles are put into operation immediately or practised over time, you can have whatever you say from God's word. These steps are simple as is customary of Jesus' way of illustrating and communicating truths in the scriptures. Step 1: Say It! [Mark 5:28] The first step that the woman with the issue of blood took in order to receive from Jesus was; "For she said, if I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole." She said what she desired and this was in line with God's will. There's a “God ward” side and a “Man ward” side to winning every battle, every victory, and receiving anything from God. You have a part to play and there's always something that you must do. If there's failure, it has to be on our part. This woman knew about healing power of Jesus and she decided to do something about it. Jesus said to Kenneth Hagin during this encounter that "Step number one is to say it!" Positive or negative confession is up to the individual. Proverbs 6:2. Never speak defeat. Never talk failure. Instead, talk about your lovely Heavenly Father and what He can do, and your faith will grow in leaps and bounds. Step 2: Do It! [Mark 5:28] Saying it alone and not acting on it would not have done this woman any good. Jesus Christ told Kenneth Hagin in the vision that "Your actions defeat you or they put you over. According to your action, you receive or you are kept from receiving what you want from God." This woman acted upon what she said - She touched Jesus' clothes! Step 3: Receive It! [Mark 5:29] "And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague". After the woman touched Jesus' clothes in faith, she felt that she was healed in her body; Jesus in turn asked "....Who touched my clothes?" because he knew that virtue had gone out of Him. First, the woman said it. The she showed faith in action by going forward and reaching out for Jesus' clothes in order to receive her healing. Finally, she received her healing and felt it in her body that she's been healed of the plague. Saying and doing comes before feeling and healing. Most people want the feeling and receiving first before the saying and doing. It doesn't work that way in God's kingdom. It was only after the woman with the issue of blood said and did, that Jesus said that the power had gone out of Him. There is a power at work in this earth which is far greater than the power of an atomic bomb. It is the power of God, the anointing which destroys every yoke. If all sick people knew of this power, they could be healed of every disease. Step 4: Tell It! [Mark 5:33] "But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth." Jesus said to tell it so that others might receive it. You have to say some things in faith before you ever receive them from God. Many times, people say the wrong things because they believe the wrong things. Wrong thinking produces wrong believing and wrong believing produces wrong speaking. When people start believing the right thing and saying the right thing, they'll have the right thing in life. The Lord also told Kenneth Hagin that people can receive the Holy Spirit by following these four principles. Any believer anywhere can write their own ticket of victory over the flesh, the world and the devil through following these four principles also. If believers don't do something about their situation themselves (write their own ticket), it would be a waste of their time praying for Jesus Christ to give them the victory. Old Testament Example of the Four Steps of Faith A very good and applicable example of the four principles of faith can be found in the very famous story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:30-54. The first thing David did was "And David Said...." (vs.32). He said that he would fight and prevail against the uncircumcised Philistine, Goliath. David knew he could have what he said. He also knew he could write his own ticket with God. The reason God hasn't done any more for you is because you haven't said any more. All you have today is the result of what you said yesterday! Next, David went out with his shepherd's sling and crook, or staff. Notice also that Goliath talked. David let him talk. You can't stop the devil from talking, but when he gets through, you must have something to say. You must nullify his negative talk with your own talk of faith! Jesus didn't stop the devil from talking when He was being tempted in the wilderness. But when the devil got through, He sure had something to say. "....It is written...." (Matt.4:4). Summary/ Conclusion: It's strange when it comes to natural things; people know exactly what to do. For example, if you're going to sell your car, you know exactly how much you are going to sell it for and where. You also know how to go about getting a job if you need one. But when it comes to spiritual things, people hardly know what to do. You need to know that you can write your own ticket with God. Whether you know it or not, that is what you have been doing. This is the reason why people are where they are now. God will do everything you trust and believe Him to do for you (Mark 11:24). You must begin to write your own ticket with God, starting right now! Contributor: Leye Olayiwola |