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RCCG Miracle Land Dundalk
Tuesday, July 16 2013

INTRODUCTION: A great insight into the significance and importance of the Inner Man in receiving from God was properly dealt with at our last teaching. We also learnt how to believe with our hearts, which is a requirement for taking delivery of our breakthroughs and miracles even when our bodies and circumstances are saying contrary. We will go a little further in digging deep into how to turn our faith loose in today’s teaching. Having examined what it means to believe with the heart during the last lesson on Faith. We will be looking at the later part of Romans 10:10;

"......with the mouth CONFESSION is made unto salvation...."

Four Kinds of Confession

Due to the confused thought surrounding the subject of confession, we will be examining the four kinds of confession spoken of in the New Testament and how these impacts on turning our faith loose.


i)                    Jews' Confession of sin [Mark1:4-5, 14-15]

This can be seen in the teaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ to the Jews about the confession of their sins.


ii)                  Confession of the Sinner Under the New Covenant [John 16;7-11]

Jesus Christ made a very important statement in the New Testament in this passage concerning the sinner under the New Covenant.

Notice the words of Jesus in verse 9: ".....Of sin, because they believe not in me". Jesus is simply saying here that the only "one" sin that the sinner will be convicted of is the sin of rejecting Jesus: ".......because they believe not on me [Jesus]". This simply tells us that contrary to what is obtained in Christian circles when a sinner is being led to the Lord and asked to confess all the sins he or she has ever committed, the main confession the sinner needs to make is the Lord-ship of Jesus Christ!

“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)


iii)                The Believer's Confession of His Sins [1 John 1:9]

This is the believer's confession of his sin when he is out of fellowship with God. That broken fellowship with God many times may cause sickness, because the bible says in James 5:16a;

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."


iv)                The Believer's Confession of Faith

This is the confession of our faith in the Word, in Christ, and in God the father.


Distinctions - Confessions of Jews (Old Covenant) & Sinners Under The New Covenant

Then Jerusalem, all Judea, and all the region around the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins.[Matt.3:5-6]

This is the picture of God's covenant people (Jews under the Law) confessing their sins and being baptised by John in the name of the Father only. This was before Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.

According to Acts 19:18;

"And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds."

These were Gentiles or non-Jewish Christians, evidently believers who were likely confessing their sins of practising magical arts. Some important notes worthy of consideration;

·         These Gentile Christians were already saved and were therefore not confessing these sins in order to be saved.

·         They didn't have to give up their sinful practices of practicing magic and other things in order to get saved.

·         Their sins and wrong practices were easier to confess after they were saved.

This is also contrary to what is being preached in some Christian circles and denominations where sinners are being told of the need to quit their sins before they can be saved. This is putting the cart before the horse. It's like telling a sick person he or she needs to get well before they can be admitted into the hospital. All the sinner has to do is to accept the Lordship of Jesus, and those things will take care of themselves.


The Confession the Sinner Makes

According to our anchor scripture in Romans 10:9 (....That if thou shalt CONFESS), we realise that we don't have to give up anything or quit anything in order to be saved. All that God requires of the sinner is the confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The only sin the sinner is guilty of is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Once a person is born again, God will deal with him about the things he needs to change and will give him the power to change them.

Also, there must be a vocal confession by a person of the Lordship of Jesus-his lips must frame the words. This is for the benefit of Satan, declaring you are no longer under his dominion (Eph.1:19-21). In receiving eternal life, there must be public confession. This signifies a change of lordship; it defines our position. The confession of the Lordship of Jesus puts us immediately under Jesus' supervision, care and protection.


The Believer Confessing His Sins [Psalm 137:1-4]

This verse of scripture is a picture of broken fellowship. As Christians, we lose our testimony the moment we sin as sin always puts the light out.  Let's read 1 John 1:3-10.

·         Notice that this scripture addresses believers and not sinners! It warns us against broken fellowship and secondly the way back to restoring broken fellowship with God our Father.

·         This scripture is about a born again Christian who is out fellowship with God and won’t admit it. It’s not for unbelievers.

Christians have a “monitor”-that is the voice of conscience-on the inside of us, and it lets us know when we’ve done wrong. Acknowledge every wrong doing or sin promptly and repent by saying “Lord, I missed it. Please forgive me” and He’ll forgive you. Once you confess a sin, do not keep confessing the same sins over and over again because that only builds weakness, doubt, and sin consciousness into your spirit. Satan tries to take advantage of you by reminding you of your confessed sin. You must refuse to think upon that sin any longer [Psalm 103:1-3, 12].


*Read James 5:14, 15 – There is healing in Forgiveness. Jesus will not require us to do what He will not do. If He asked us to forgive an offender seventy times seven, then He will do same for anyone who has sin. God’s grace is beyond human comprehension.

Finally, we read Hebrews 10:1-4; 9:14 and 1 John 1:9:


These passages tell us of the failure of the blood of bulls and goats under the old covenant to take away sins. Their blood could only cover sins with these sins still left in the heart of man- still in his consciousness. Thank God for the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. Our redemption in Christ has redeemed us from sin consciousness. Once forgiven, we don’t have to remember them again, Hallelujah!



In order to effectively turn our faith on, we must appropriate the power of confession. A hindrance to confidently confess our belief and faith in the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ is not trusting God enough to forgive us when we miss the mark and walking in sin consciousness after we have been forgiven. If you sin, repent and confess your sin to God and have no remembrance of it. God doesn’t, so why should you? Then you can see with what confidence we can come before God in prayer and know with a certainty that He hears us.

We will close with these words of caution in 1 John 3:1-10 [AMP].

Contributor: Leye Olayiwola

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Dundalk, County Louth,


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