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RCCG Miracle Land Dundalk
Friday, December 30 2011


Two weeks ago we looked at Acts 8: 1-25 "Satan's Intrusion to the Camp" how the persecution of the church led to the spread of the Gospel to Samaria. Focus was on Philip's ministry, Simon's conversion and sin and how the apostles handled the situation. Today, we are going to play "catch up" as we deal with last week's study as well as today's. First, last week's:

One of the things we notice about Philip was that he was used by God to perform wonders. He was the only one the Bible recorded was teleported. His ministry affected not only Samaria but Ethiopia as well as other cities. We all want to be used by God and today's study about Philip will shows us characteristics of people who could be used by God.

Philip could hear God and was faithfully obedient (Vs. 26 - 30)

To be used by God, we need to have a relationship with Him and be able to hear Him speak to us and not only to hear Him speak but to obey whatever He asks us to do (1 Sam 15:22)

He was prepared for the task and was sensitive in delivery (Vs. 31-35)

He started a conversation; in verse 30, he asked the Eunuch if he understood what he was reading. He did not just join the chariot and began to preach. Though approach may differ, it is vital not to force the Gospel down people's throat because they will naturally resist it. The Eunuch's answer created the right environment and Philip seized it and preached Jesus

Philip was not religious (Vs. 36-38)

He did not wait for a ceremony before he baptized the Eunuch; sometimes, we miss the opportunity to do what we are expected to do because we want to follow protocol and tradition. The heart of the Eunuch had been prepared by the Spirit of God and the Word of God, it was his time to be saved; and God needed the words of Philip's testimony to complete the salvation process. Having said that, baptism is only for people who understand God's word and choose baptism on the basis of their own faith in Jesus

Philip was in tune with the Spirit & extremely zealous (Vs. 39 - 40)

When it was time to go, he was ready to go, the Spirit took him away and dropped him off in Azotus where he continued preaching until he got to Caesarea. He caught the momentum and continued with it. He did not rest on his oars or hold on to yesterday's glory. He trudged on with zeal similar to the one that consumed Christ.


God can use anything to do His work. But He wants to use us; He needs to see something in us (that the ordinary man cannot see) before He uses us. One vital characteristic is a right, willing and obedient heart. Having been chosen to be used by God, we should then endeavour to keep the "environment" right, be sensitive to His voice, be willing and ready to faithfully obey His commands, be prepared - ready to go when He calls, put away tradition and religion that could stand in the way of the move of the Spirit and remain in tune with the Spirit; excited at the opportunity that God would want to use you!

Contributor: Isekhua Evborokhai

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