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RCCG Miracle Land Dundalk
Wednesday, July 31 2024

Contributor: Okwudili Prince Isaac

In the last part of this series, we see that healing could come through the laying on of hands. Today, as we conclude this series on Divine Healing, may any sickness or disease left in our system vanish in Jesus Name, Amen.

Acts 10:38
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”

One of the ways that people physically expressed a spiritual connection that has lasted for centuries is the laying on of hands. It is when a person or people put their hands on another person or group of people as part of a blessing or a prayer.
On the most surface level, a part of the significance of the act of laying on of hands is that it creates human connection. This basic truth is supported by modern science, as studies show that touch increases oxytocin, can facilitate increased well-being, and communication. Jesus used touch to assure the Apostle John when He appeared to Him at Patmos in His full glory,
“When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, ‘Fear not, I am the first and the last’” (Revelation 1:17). Contact is a part of how some people connect, though not everyone.

All sicknesses and diseases come from the devil. However, there are some special cases, which are because of demonic oppression and bondage. There are signs by which the special instances may be recognised.
1. John 10:10 -……the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy
2. Luke 13:16 – …a daughter of Abraham under Satan’s bondage
3. Luke 11:14 – …demon cast out of a dumb man
4. Matthew 12:22 –…healing of demon-possessed, blind and dumb
5. Matthew 9:17-27 – …dead daughter of a Synagogue leader
6. Job 1:14-17 –…the Sabeans, the Fire, and the Chaldeans

Sadly, Satan is the thief, whose mission of solely to steal, kill and destroy. Joyfully, Jesus Christ is the Restorer. In-fact He came specifically to destroy the works of the devil by His special anointing.
1. Acts10:38 -…Jesus went about…. healing all who were oppressed by the devil
2. John.10:10 - …the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy
3. 1 Jn3:8 -…the Son of God came to destroy the work of darkness
4. Mt.28:18 - ….I have given you all authority in Heaven and on Earth
5. Luke.11:21-22 -… a strong man guards his house…until someone stronger
6. Mt.8:16 - …he cast out evil spirits with a single command
7. Mk.16:17- ..these miraculous signs shall follow… who believe…cast out demons
8. Jam. 4:7.- ..humble yourselves before God, resist the devil and he will flee

Placing hands on persons in need of healing has a strong biblical precedent as well. Although there had been times when Jesus healed the sick without necessarily laying His hands on them, He certainly laid His hands on many of those He healed. Instance of Jesus laying on His Hands:
1. Mark 6:5 – ……….even in the midst of unbelief, albeit few sick people
2. Mark 8: 22-25 – spitting, laying hands “outside the village”
3. Luke 4:40 – at sunset, villagers brought family members
4. Luke 13:13 – at Sabbath Day healing (Abraham’s daughter) crippled 18 years

Laying on of hands is one of the ordained ways to heal the sick (Mark 16:18) “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”.

And Jesus promised that any believer could do this, including you. You can lay hands on the sick and see them get better. You just have to open yourself up to God and allow Him to heal through you.

But when you look carefully at Mark 16:18, you will notice that Jesus promised recovery.
That recovery could be instantaneous, or it could be a process that is prolonged over a period. This lets us know that all healings do not occur instantly; some of them take place over a period. But Jesus’ promise is that if we will follow His example and lay our hands on the sick, God’s power will be released into the body of the afflicted. If we are releasing our faith and believing for healing power to flow from us to the recipient, healing virtue will be deposited into the sick person’s body. Just as medicine slowly works to reverse a medical condition, the power of God that was deposited with the laying on of our hands will begin to attack the work of the devil and progressively bring that sick person back into a state of health and well-being.

Mark 16: 18 (in some Greek texts) could be translated, “…they shall progressively feel themselves getting better and better, until finally they are well and healthy.”

What did Jesus do for these people?
He laid His hands upon them, and He healed them. In such cases, Jesus was giving the perfect example of how believers would later lay their hands on the sick —including the terminally ill — and see them be restored back to health because of their obedience.

Jesus promised that any believer could do this! Any believer, including you, can lay hands on the sick and see the sick get better and better until they are finally restored back to health. All that is required for God to use you in this way are three basic criteria:
1. That you have a desire for God to heal through you
2. That you have hands to lay on sick people; and
3. That your faith is released to activate the power of God to heal.

If you can fulfil these three requirements, you’re ready to get into the healing ministry! Healing the sick is part of your responsibility as a believer. You cannot do it alone, but the Holy Spirit is present to impart His power when you act in Jesus’ name. So rather than look at sick people and feel pity for them, why don’t you pull your hands out of your pockets and go lay them on those sick people, just as Jesus did when He was ministering on the earth? The Word of God guarantees that God will work with you to bring healing and health to those who are in need.
Why don’t you get started healing the sick today?

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The Redeemed Christian Church Of God
Miracle Land Parish Castletown Road, Castletown,
Dundalk, County Louth,


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