Wednesday, December 15 2021
Contributor: Isekhua Evborokhai INTRODUCTION I. FINAL ADMONISHMENT (VERSES 16-19) In verse 15, we were admonished to offer a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name through Jesus. Here in verse 16, we learn that praise is not the only sacrifice that pleases God. Verse 17: Obey Your Spiritual Leaders This is a very sensitive command that has been used for manipulation and control over the years and so, we must be careful. The KJV says, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves . . .” the NIV says, “Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority” How can we be careful about this? Simply, their lives and character must model that of Jesus Christ and whatever it is that they ask from you must align with the Word of God. A teacher should teach us to submit to God, not to himself. The second part of the verse is even more delicate. The responsibility God placed on spiritual leaders is a “huge” one and with what we are seeing around the world today, we realize that many of the spiritual leaders themselves don’t seem to understand the gravity of this responsibility. Of course, this does not relieve individual responsibility (every one of us shall give account of himself to God Rom.14:12) but it puts an additional accountability and responsibility upon leaders. The third part is an appeal as well as a profitable advice. The responsibility is a huge one, we should not make their task any more difficult or burdensome but create an environment where they can joyfully fulfil their calling. This cooperative conduct is not only a joy to leaders, but it is profitable for the whole body. It is for our own sake that we should obey and submit to God-appointed leaders. Because to do otherwise is akin to biting your nose to spite your face. Verses 18-19: A Request For Prayer When we studied the book of Romans we came across a similar request from the Apostle Paul in chapter 15:30-31 as we see in these two verses where he called for the believers to pray for him. In both contexts, we see a leader who is clearly humble in making this request. (i) We want to live honourably in everything we do To live honourably (especially as a spiritual leader) is very important. Being honest with yourself, others and ultimately God! Paul understands this that is why he was coveting the prayers of the saints for he and the other leaders to be able to live honourably in “everything” they did. The second prayer point implies that there were certain obstacles preventing him from returning to the recipients of this letter. He knew that prayer could remove those obstacles; so he urged the believers to specifically pray about this; showing how much he regarded their prayers for him. II. BENEDICTION (VERSES 20-21) After asking his readers to pray for him, Paul prays for his readers. Verse 20: “Now may the God of peace” In this blessing God is first recognized in His attributes: His Peace, Power (brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead), Loving Care (that great Shepherd), and Ever Giving Love (the blood of the everlasting covenant). Verse 21: “equip you with everything good for doing his will” III. FINAL GREETINGS (VERSES 22-24) Verse 22 At this final stage of the letter, the Apostle reminds us of his purpose. His desire was to write a word of exhortation to encourage discouraged Christians, both then and now. Verse 23 This final statement also “loosely” hints us of the writer’s identity. Although, they only tell us that the writer knew Timothy, but which other writer in the entire Bible ever mentioned Timothy in their writings except for the Apostle Paul? CONCLUSION |