Wednesday, July 14 2021
Contributor: Isekhua EVborokhai INTRODUCTION: In last week’s study we saw how Christ Himself was the perfect sacrifice. Today’s study we will be looking into understanding the terms “will” and “testament.” The KJV uses the word testament in verse 16; interpreted from the Greek word used to represent covenant and testament. However, in context, it refers to a slightly different idea. The NLT and other versions use the word “will” instead which is less prone to confusion. The point being made here is that certain legal agreements only take effect upon the death of the one who wrote the will. What is a Will? What is a Testament? There is no difference between a testament and a will these days. In recent times, the words “testament” and “will” are often seen together as “last will and testament.” Verses 16-18: Jesus’ Death Made God’s Will and Testament Valid “16 Now when someone leaves a will, it is necessary to prove that the person who made it is dead. 17 The will goes into effect only after the person’s death. While the person who made it is still alive, the will cannot be put into effect. 18 That is why even the first covenant was put into effect with the blood of an animal.” Obtaining a family inheritance for instance only comes after the death of the family member and after the will is read. The same is true of the both the Old and New Covenants. They were put into effect after death, and always with blood. This is an amazing truth about the Covenant we enjoy through Jesus. His death put the will of God into effect and made it legally binding and in operation. It is important for us to know what this Last Will includes so that we will understand what we have inherited through Jesus. To do this we must look at what Jesus said His mission, or God’s will for His life was. Luke describes this perfectly. Jesus came to preach the gospel, free the prisoners (Mark 10:45, Hebrews 9:15), restore sight, (John 1:18, II Corinthians 4:6, Colossians 1:15;19, Hebrews 1:1-3), release the oppressed (Romans 6:6, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 4:24), and announced the Lord’s favour to mankind (Luke 2:14). This was God’s will concerning the life of Jesus. He came to bring us into fellowship with the Father through the gospel. The good news is that our sins are forgiven and paid for through Jesus, and that we have been redeemed and purchased back by His blood. Verses 19-22: Without the Shedding of Blood There is no Forgiveness “19 For after Moses had read each of God’s commandments to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats, along with water, and sprinkled both the book of God’s law and all the people, using hyssop branches and scarlet wool. 20 Then he said, “This blood confirms the covenant God has made with you.” 21 And in the same way, he sprinkled blood on the Tabernacle and on everything used for worship. 22 In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.” Both the Old and New Covenants were put into effect by blood. The blood proved the death, thereby enforcing and enacting the will of the one who died (Heb. 9:17). Leviticus 17:11 explains why the blood was used, “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life”. So it was necessary for both Covenants to be ushered in by blood, because first it proved the death because the blood is the life force. And secondly, it was given for atonement. So without it, there could be no forgiveness for sins. Verse 23: Jesus Entered Heaven Appearing Before God on Our Behalf “23 That is why the Tabernacle and everything in it, which were copies of things in heaven, had to be purified by the blood of animals. But the real things in heaven had to be purified with far better sacrifices than the blood of animals.” Every time the priest made atonement for the people, it was merely a dress rehearsal for the real thing. The High Priest was the “stand in” for the "star". They merely showed a glimpse of what truly would take place at the pinnacle of history when Jesus entered into the heavenly tabernacle, in full view of God the Father Himself to offer a perfect sacrifice for us. This was the means to bridge the gap and usher in the New Covenant founded on, and made perfect in His blood. CONCLUSION Jesus didn’t enter a man-made tabernacle, patterned after the heavenly one. He entered into heaven itself. His blood was the entrance fee (Hebrews 9:12). His blood was the cleansing agent (Hebrews 9:14), His blood sealed and ratified the New Covenant made by God on our behalf (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:22). His blood took care of the sin issue once for all (Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 10:12, Hebrews 10:14, Hebrews 10:18). His blood bought us eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12; Hebrews 10:12, Hebrews 10:14). His blood was the exchange that took our sin and bestowed on us His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). His blood made everything alright and since it was offered in the presence of God the Father it was a one-time deal (Romans 5:1-2). His blood undid everything that sin and death ever took, ruined or stained (Romans 5:15; Romans 5:17; Romans 5:21). And His blood gives us the confidence to approach God by faith so we can find grace and mercy just when we need it (Hebrews 4:16; Hebrews 10:19-22). Parts of this study was culled from: |