Wednesday, June 02 2021
Contributor: Isekhua Evborokhai INTRODUCTION: In last week’s study we were looking at the greatness of Jesus’ Priesthood as it compared with the Levitical priesthood; that it was a far better way between us and God. In today’s study Paul continues with his logical argument as to why this is the case by referring to the permanency and perfection of Jesus’ priesthood in contrast to the continuously changing and imperfect Levitical priesthood 1. An Unchanging Priesthood Means a Lasting Salvation (Verses 23-25) The Passion Translation kicks off verse 23 by saying: “As additional proof . . .” Paul, in these three verses presents additional proof is support of Jesus’ permanent and perfect priesthood. Proof #1: He Continues Forever: There were many priests under the old system, for they eventually died and their office had to be filled by another but Jesus continues forever, as our High Priest even after He ascended into heaven. Proof #2: An Unchangeable Priesthood: The priesthood under the Law of Moses constantly changed, and so it was either better or worse through the years depending on the character of the priest. But Jesus has an unchangeable permanent priesthood. He will never die and so we don’t need to worry about a “bad priest” replacing Him. Proof #3: He Is Able to Save To the Uttermost: The unchanging nature of Jesus’ priesthood means that the salvation He gives is also unchanging, permanent, and secure. Jesus is able to save to the uttermost. Because He is our High Priest forever, He can save forever. He will save . . . (i) Those who come to God through Him: This tells us whom Jesus is able to save. It means those who abide in the Son and have fellowship with the Father. It also shows where we have to come for salvation – to God. It is one thing to come to church; it is another thing to come to God. This shows the place of abiding in the security of the believer. When we come to God through Him, He saves us to the uttermost. In Jesus there is complete security of salvation. (ii) He Ever Lives to Make Intercession for Them: It is strengthening and reassuring to know that Jesus prays for us, and that He ever lives to pray for us. This is tremendous encouragement to anyone who feels like giving up. Jesus’ intercession on our behalf is not a matter of pacifying an angry Father who wants to destroy us. It means that He continually represents us before the Father so that we can draw near through Him, and that He defends us against Satan’s accusations and attacks. Like He did for Peter in Luke 22:31-32 2. Jesus Is Better Qualified to Be a High Priest Than Any Priest from The Order of the Law of Moses. (Verses 26-28) The Levitical priests had to offer sacrifices for their own sins, but Jesus did not, because he had no sin. When he offered himself, it was not for himself, but for everyone else. He was the kind of sacrifice we really needed — without blemish, fit even for the holiest place in heaven. In these last three verses, Paul presents four reasons why Jesus’ Priesthood was a perfect one Reason #1: He is a High Priest Best Fit for Us: The priests under the Law of Moses did not have the personal character of the Son of God. Jesus is holy, harmless (without guile or deception), undefiled, separate from sinners (in the sense of not sharing in their sin). Jesus is far superior in His personal character than any earthly priest. Reason #2: He has become higher than the heavens: Two facts prove the perfect character of Jesus. First, His exaltation in heaven. Second, that He did not need to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins – which the other priests needed to do daily. Reason #3: He offered up Himself: This is totally unique. A priest may bring a sacrifice and offer it on the altar. But Jesus was both the priest and the sacrifice. This is the best sacrifice brought to God the Father by the best priest. Reason #4: He has been Perfected Forever Verse 28 says: For the law appoints as high priests men who have weaknesses: Under the Law of Moses the priests were always men with weaknesses. But Jesus is a Son who has been perfected forever. Because He is a perfect High Priest, He was able to offer up Himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sin. Jesus is perfectly qualified to be our perfect High Priest – perfected forever. CONCLUSION |